第 1 部
AIVA作曲 AI OKINAWA ~「沖縄」との出逢い
旅の始まりは沖縄。 (株)イノカのCOO竹内四季さんがサンゴ礁の魅力を解説。沖縄の美しい海中映像や拡張現実(AR)とともに、人工知能AIVAが沖縄民謡を学習した新曲を世界初披露。AIVAが感じた沖縄とは?!
グリーグ作曲 二つの悲しき旋律より 春
スメタナ作曲 連作交響詩「我が祖国」より モルダウ
ドビュッシー作曲 シランクス
ボロディン:オペラ「イーゴリ公」より だったん人の踊り feat. 阿波おどり
第 2 部
ドヴォルザーク作曲 交響曲第8番ト長調
演出全程视频回放将于3月13日开始。 ※居住在中国大陆的观众需要使用VPN观看
由古典音乐×创意混搭融汇而成的Social Entertainment!
演出开始: 17:15
直播开始: 17:00~(直播准备完成后,将立即开始)
会场: MUZA川崎交响乐厅
AIVA作曲 AI OKINAWA ~ 与 "冲绳 "的邂逅
从冲绳开始环游之旅。Innoqua Inc. COO 竹内将为观众解说珊瑚礁的独特魅力。伴随着冲绳优美的海洋水下影像以及增强现实(AR)技术,由人工智能AIVA学习冲绳民谣后制作的新曲将首次公诸于世。AIVA所感受到的冲绳会是怎么样的?
格里格作曲 《两首悲歌旋律》 最后的春天
这首曲目是根据挪威作曲家格里格的歌曲制作的弦乐合奏曲。主人公是一位对春天的气息感到悲伤的老人。象征着青少年时期光辉岁月的"Travelling Seafood"摄影大赛中的优秀作品将伴随着优雅的旋律在音乐会现场展现。
斯美塔那作曲 《我的祖国》 沃尔塔瓦河
德彪西作曲 芦笛
这首长笛独奏曲的灵感来自于希腊神话中的美丽精灵绪任克斯。 牧民潘追逐着绪任克斯,绪任克斯在河中仙女的帮助下,躲进了一片芦苇丛中。 潘试图抓住她,但只抓到了满手芦苇。 潘用芦苇做了一支笛子,并给它取名为绪任克斯。法国作曲家德彪西所带来的多变的旋律与日本阿波舞之间的独特合作令人瞩目。
鲍罗廷:歌剧《伊戈尔王》 鞑靼人舞曲 阿波舞新编版
德沃夏克作曲 第八交响曲G大调
捷克国民作曲家德沃夏克仅用两个多月时间就完成了这部交响曲。 整个作品充满了让人感受到祖国田园风光的美丽旋律。第一乐章中满怀忧伤的大提琴声优雅动人,第二乐章令人百感交集,第三乐章浪漫而忧伤,第四乐章自信飒爽…优雅旋律与互动影像的完美合作更是值得品味。
点击这里查看Classic Aile官方网站。https://classicaile.org/
The archive video will be provided from March 13th.
Notice for pre-download of AR camera application
In the concert, AR (Augmented Reality) will be applied in the first song "AIVA Composition AI OKINAWA".
Please download AR camera application in advance.
AR camera app store
How to use (* The app may be updated)
1.Download the app from the store (free) 2.Connect to the app. Allow access to photo library and camera 3.Tap the top screen to start the AR camera If a marker is displayed on the screen in the first song of Part 1, hold the AR camera over it!
Social entertainment with classic and unique collaboration!
Okinawa, Norway, France, Russia, Czech Republic
Experience them as if you were traveling to the oceans of the world!
Sunday, March 6, 2022
Start: 17:15
Livestreaming Start: 17:00 ~ (Livestreaming will start as soon as the preparation is done)
Venue: Muza Kawasaki Symphony Hall
Membership registration is required for viewing
Membership registration guide
Those who have purchased the live streaming tickets will also be able to enjoy the archive video after the concert.
For viewing code user
Click here to check how to use the viewing code.
How to use the viewing code (PDF)
■ Program
Part 1
AIVA: AI OKINAWA-encounter with "Okinawa"
The trip begins in Okinawa. COO Takeuchi of Innoqua Inc. will explain the appeal point of coral reefs. Along with the beautiful underwater video of Okinawa and Augmented Reality (AR), the artificial intelligence AIVA will unveil a new song it composed after learning about Okinawan folk songs. What does AIVA think of Okinawa?
Grieg: The Last Spring from ‘Two Elegiac Melodies’
This is a string ensemble piece based on a work of Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg. It’s about an old hero who feels sadness in the breath of spring. The beautiful melody is delivered along with the excellent work of the "Traveling Seafood" photo contest, which symbolizes the brilliance of youth.
Smetana: The Moldau from “My Fatherland”
Bedrich Smetana, who is regarded as the father of Czech music, depicted his love for his homeland under Austrian rule and its scenery in this story. Beethoven might be the most famous composer who struggled with hearing loss, but Smetana also lost his hearing at the age of 50 and could not hear the first performance of the Moldau. Underwater cameraman Takuya Nakamura's spectacular underwater videos will also be featured along with the performance that you should not miss.
Debussy: ‘Syrinx’
This solo flute piece is inspired by the beautiful spirit Syrinx from Greek mythology. Syrinx is chased by Herdsman Pan and hides in a bush of reeds with the help of a river fairy. Pan tries to catch Syrinx but all he catches in his hands are reeds. Finally, Pan makes a flute with the reeds and names it Syrinx. A unique collaboration between the elusive melody of French composer Debussy and the Japanese Awa Odori dance will undoubtedly be remarkable and exciting.
Borodin: Polovtsian Dances from the Opera "Prince Igor"(feat. Awa Odori)
This piece is an opera by Alexander Borodin, one of Russia's most famous composers. However, this opera was not actually completed. Borodin was a chemist who only worked on his music compositions in his spare time. This work was completed by a younger composer after his death. The title ‘Prince Igor’ refers to the monarch of the Principality of Kiev. He led an army to attack the nomadic Tatars, but was taken prisoner. The enemy general had a high regard for him and performed a dance to entertain him. With the amazing melody, the entire venue will be involved in the circle of Awa Odori dance on the day of the show.
Part 2
Dvorak: ‘Symphony No. 8 in G major’
Dvorak, one of the most famous Czech composers, completed this symphony in just over two months. The entire piece is full of beautiful melodies that portrays the rural landscape of his homeland. The first movement has a lovely melancholy cello tone and the second is filled with heartbreaking emotions. Movement three contains mixed feelings, while confidence and plain cool fills up the fourth movement. The perfect blend between elegant melody and interactive movies will take you to the new world of art.
[Classic Aile] Click here for the official website. https://classicaile.org/